Thursday, February 25, 2010

Week 7: Summary on concept essays.

The essay Cannibalism written by Linh Kieu Ngo illustrates the different beliefs of the practice. Cannibalism can be broken down into two main categories: exocannibalism and endocannibalism. “Exo” represents the eating of outsiders or foreigners and “endo” is described as the eating of members within a social group. Three of the most common functional cannibalism is survival, dietary and religious/ritual cannibalism. The only acceptable type of cannibalism in my opinion is survival cannibalism. It is necessary to take action in dire situation in order to preserve a human life, even if that action may include the consumption of human flesh. The Chemistry of Love written by Anastasia Toufexis can be summarized into two main concepts. Amphetamines fuel romance and endorphins/oxytocin sustain lasting heterosexual relationships. Although the physical evidence is defined, chemical reactions do not explain why specific people are initially attracted to each other. Toufexis explains that the intial attraction occurs because each of us carries a “unique subliminal map” (144) that lead us unwearyingly to a partner. In addition, she explains that men search for maximal fertility, whereas women look for security, resources, status, and a willingness to be a father. The essay Born to be Happy, through a Twist of Human Hard Wire, written by Richard Friedman, describes that everyone has good and bad moods. Everyone suffers setbacks that have emotional consequences. Friedman explains that some people are wired emotionally under two categories: dysthymic and hyperthymic. That is, people’s temperaments and their genes inclined their emotions to behave in a depressed or happy mood and are uncontrolled. The essay In the Blink of an Eye written by Bob Holmes describes that human activities transform the Earth, forcing species to die. What are our moral responsibilities as individuals and as a nation? What are the possible steps to reverse our destruction on the very same planet we live upon? Apparently our human existence is causing rapid contemporary evolution because of our constant destruction on the environment.

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